Introducing FerWay Services

FerWay offers consulting services in the field of ATM automation. These services are primarily aimed at the technical ATM concept level. In other words, they connect operational ATM concepts to technical solutions required in support of these concepts. Such solutions need to be based on a solid technical concept, well integrated into the current and future operational and procedural setting. Together, when well designed, these solutions will result in successful implementation of innovations. 


The technical concepts elements developed or supported by FerWay and related services will address:

  • Integral analysis of the ATM System operation that may include use of system functionalities by ATC controllers, interactions with other units and centers, aircraft, pilots and airlines.
  • Integrate technical considerations into the overall ATM concept to ensure feasibility of the concept as well as coherency with operations and procedures.
  • Functional designs of major components of an ATM system, for example: Trajectory Predictor, Scheduler (AMAN, DMAN), Trajectory Manager (generates Trajectory solutions).
  • Functional requirements for ATM system components to assure the required functional performance is achieved.
  • Validation of the functional performance of ATM System enhancements.
  • Develop and provide required training of operational personnel to incorporate ATM System innovations into their working methods and practices.

To facilitate the mapping of these high-level descriptions of services to practical situations that may apply to your company, a number of scenarios that may exist for an ANSP or airline will be described in this Services section. This will be done by presenting questions that you and your company may find yourself faced with when designing for the future. If you find that one or more of these scenarios apply to you or when your situation is not described here, please contact FerWay to explore how FerWay can be of service to you and your organization.