Working Method

A fundamental component of the services FerWay provides is analysis of a current or future ATM System state. The analysis will not only cover technical aspects of the ATM System however, as the technical system forms an integral part of the operation where procedures apply and working practices have developed.


In this section the approach followed by FerWay to analyze ATM Systems is described. This is a core activity of FerWay Services. Following an illustration of possible deliverables

 Depending the type of assignment, relevant elements of the following methods will be employed: 

  • Integral analysis of operational systems data:
    • surveillance data
    • flight plan data and controller inputs
    • output and internal recordings of automation functions
    • ground-ground or air-ground datalink communications
    • weather data (prevailing winds (aloft), special conditions)
  • The data analysis will support and be combined with operational analysis of :
    • current practices
    • procedures
    • ATM systems use
    • traffic characteristics and profiles
    • airspace design (including STARs, Transitions and profile constraints)
    • fuel burn impact
    • capacity impact

Some of these activities are performed by attending operations on the ops-floor, discussions with controllers, system/software-engineers, airline representatives and pilots as required.  


The result of the integral analysis activities above may consist of a variety of deliverables as appropriate for the task at hand. An illustration of these deliverables is given below.

  • If part of the Operational Concept still need to be defined, this activity will support further concept development. If required, the operational concept description will be developed or updated.
  • Performance indicators for system behavior, decision support tools, operational practices, flight efficiency, etc.
  • System requirements or production-level specifications of new or enhanced functions, for example an Extended Arrival Manager, algorithmic improvements of a support tool.
  • Tuning of operational functions (for example: Trajectory Prediction).
  • Report of functional performance and utility of automation functions (including discrepancies with operating practices).
  • Definitions of modifications or additions to operating procedures, in combination with system changes.
  • Report on traffic profile efficiency, metering efficiency and fuel impact.
  • Training of operational staff on use of existing or modified system functionality.